University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Math 148 - Honors Calculus II (Fall 2017)
Math 151 - Math for the Life Sciences (Fall 2021)
Math 231 - Differential Equations I (Spring 2023, 2024)
Math 247 - Honors Calculus III (Spring 2018)
Math 307 - Intro to Abstract Mathematics (Fall 2019)
Math 405/ EEB 406 - Models in Biology (Spring 2020 & 2021)
Math/EEB 581-582 - Mathematical Ecology I/II (Fall 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023; Spring 2019, 2021)
Math/EEB 681/682 - Advanced Mathematical Ecology I (Fall 2020; Spring 2023, 2024)
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Math 383 - First Course in Differential Equations (Fall 2015)
Math 564 - Mathematical Modeling (Fall 2016)
Colorado State University
Math 141 - Calculus in Management Sciences (Spring 2014)
Math 155 - Calculus for Biological Scientists I (Spring 2014, Fall 2010, Spring 2009)
Math 160 - Calculus for Physical Scientists I (Spring 2010)
Math 255 - Calculus for Biological Scientists II (Spring 2013, Fall 2012, Fall 2011)
Math 340 - Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (Fall 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 2011)
Santa Fe College
MAC 1105 - College Algebra (Summer 2008)
MAC 2233 - Survey of Calculus (Spring 2008)
University of Florida
MAC 2233 - Survey of Calculus (Summer 2007)
MAC 2233 - Survey of Caluclus (Discussion section)
MGF 1106 - Liberal Arts Mathematics (Summer 2006)
MAC 1147 - Pre-Calculus (Discussion section)
MAC 1105 - College Algebra (Discussion section)
Instructional Presentations
Logic II - Ordinals and Cardinals (beamer presentation)
Modeling the Dynamics of a Zombie Apocalypse (beamer presentation)
Mathematica (7) demonstrations
If you have Mathematica 7 or later, download the notebook file (.nb). Otherwise, you can run the Mathematica demonstrations below by downloading the player file (.nbp) and running it in the free CDF Player available at www.wolfram.com/cdf-player (external link).
EarthquakeMech: Earthquake fault/auxilary plane on focal sphere and stereonet
Snell Shells: Snell's law on multiple spherical shells